Thursday, March 24, 2016

Album Review: I Came Up With A Clever Name For This Mixtape, But I Forgot It by Keenan Edwards

So this is different for me, isn't it? I don't ordinarily cover mixtapes for one, and I usually stick to artists in the mainstream. Instead, this time, I'm covering a mixtape from a friend of mine, who also happens to use the internet to talk about his music opinions. I will be covering Zayn's solo debut album at a later date, but first I wanna do something I'm likely to enjoy more. And Keenan, if you're reading this, don't worry I'll be nice. Le's go.

Also you can listen to it here if ya want.

1. duuuuuunnnnnnnnnn
Well that's one way to grab my attention. It may be mainly one note, but it works well because other instruments keep building on it, from drums to horns. It almost feels orchestral, and that's a good thing.

2. dafuq
Very groove-worthy. Not a thing you usually say about glitchy synths. But yeah, good use of instrumentation. I will say, it does run a little long without really changing much.

3. this is what my life has devolved to
This one has a very spacey lounge vibe to it. I can kinda imagine hearing this in the background of an 80s movie. And that ain't a bad thing. I also appreciate the more varied melodies compared to the previous two tracks.

4. running out of words to describe my disappointment
And we move from a spacey sound to a grittier techno sound. Maybe this is something I could imagine hearing in a Sega Genesis game. A little more variety, I like very much. It manages to be menacing yet groove-worthy. I need to figure out another word to describe that...

5. *sigh* how much longer?
BLUES ROCK I'M SOLD! In all seriousness, this is probably my favorite track so far. Excellent use of guitars and synths in this one. Plus I've always had a weak spot for this genre. Especially when it nails atmosphere this well.

6. wow im so interested
That pulsing effect kinda reminds me of Andrew McMahone. Even though this is tropical house. Or at least emulates that feel. Never thought I'd imagine slow piano chords, tropical percussion, organ, and glitched-out vocal samples working well together.

7. #lewronggeneration
I'm getting jazzy vibes from this track. Trumpets and guitars, and even some harmonizing vocals. Very nice instrumentals throughout, and it gives off a very happy vibe. Must be inherent with the genre.

8. woah this is long
Getting jazzy up in here, with a nearly 10 minute long track. That opening reminds me a bit of Led Zeppelin, which is obviously a good thing. And those clarinets and saxes, man. I thought this track would get old fast but it actually justifies its length. So awesome. True jazz mastah.

9. it's over, thank god
Got more spacey vibes going on here. Maybe a little surf rock too. Kinda feels like a wind-down track. But then there's that bass and drum solo, man. And then the sax solo. Yeah, I dig it.

Final Verdict: This is a really good mixtape. They're all instrumentals, but they're all really well thought-out. There aren't a lot of moments on this tape where a lot of instruments aren't playing all at the same time, but they sound beautiful together. It also tackles a lot of different genres, and pulls them off surprisingly well. However, since they are instrumentals, they can feel a bit long at times, with the same melodies repeating over and over again. Overall, though, great stuff.

Rating: 8/10
Best songs: *sigh* how much longer?, woah this is long, running out of words to describe my disappointment
Worst song: dafuq

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