Thursday, March 31, 2016

Album Review: Weezer (White Album) by Weezer

"Josh, didn't you say the Best of 1989 was coming up?" It is, yadda yadaa, I don't feel like making a list right now, sorry. Anyway, Weezer. I love these guys. The Blue Album is one of my favorite albums of all time. The majority of the stuff I've heard from them is good. Though I was disappointed with Hurley from 2010, outside of a couple great songs. I haven't heard Everything Will Be Alright In The End though. Maybe someday. For now, their fourth self-titled album. Not to be confused with a certain Beatles album. Is it good? Lemme see.

1. California Kids
Appropriately enough this one's got a Californian groove. Simple but effective. It's not particularly groundbreaking for Weezer but it gets the job done for me. And it's a promising opening track.

2. Wind In Our Sail
This one's rooted in a happy-go-lucky piano melody. I like it. Also for some reason the drums feel kinda prominent. Overall, good stuff.

3. Thank God For Girls
This song is a prime example that Rivers Cuomo is a weird freaking guy. The song's narratives don't really make much sense but they're hilarious. In a way I consider it so-bad-it's-good. I can see this not working for some people, but I love it.

4. (Girl We Got A) Good Thing
Very poppy, but sincere enough. I kinda like that breakdown that happens around the two minute mark. Happy-go-lucky. That's probably gonna be a running theme with this album.

5. Do You Wanna Get High?
Was this song written by Towlie from South Park? I am a little sick of pop music equating drugs and alcohol to love. This still isn't bad, just a pet peeve of mine I guess. The guitars show some real grit here, kinda like Dope Nose.

6. King of the World
For some reason part of this reminds me of old nu metal. Which I don't mind as much as others. Lyrically it is kinda like that, since it focuses on pain and power fantasy. Of course, the silliness here works because it's Weezer. And it's framed more like a love song. Good stuff.

7. Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori
Rivers Cuomo sings about a mermaid. Okay then? It's a feel-good summer song, something Weezer seem to love writing and playing. Good enough though.

8. L.A. Girlz
There's definitely more theatrics to this song than some of the previous tracks. It highlights this kind of desperation where Rivers shines best. The grit on the guitars make it feel a lot like Holiday from the Blue Album. Which is a good thing.

9. Jacked Up
Maybe Rivers is taking notes from Brendon Urie? For some reason I'm feeling some Panic! vibes with this one. And that's a good thing. I kinda felt like this album needed some sort of change-up.

10. Endless Bummer
Acoustic guitar song to close things off. Rivers sells his misery and it's perfect as an album closer. Maybe not on the levels of Only In Dreams but it works for this album. Summer's over, guys. Time to pack your things and go home.

Final Verdict: I don't think this album is of the same caliber as the other three that share its name, but it's definitely up there. It definitely roots a lot of its sounds and themes in a summer beach setting, and it does work for what it is. A lot of the songs are standard fare for Weezer, and if you're a fan like me, you'll be satisfied. I will say not a lot of songs popped out until the end, though. I enjoyed all the tracks this album had to offer, some more than others. Plus it doesn't overstay its welcome.

Rating: 8/10
Best songs: Jacked Up, Thank God For Girls, L.A. Girlz, California Kids, King of the World
Worst songs: (Girl We Got A) Good Thing, Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori

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